I can’t believe I have been neglecting my readers. Didn’t mean to, but I’ve been busy. So, for now, all I can do is fill you in and feed your voyeuristic tendencies.
I had mentioned in an earlier post at what a certain word could do to your social life when mentioned in your AOL profile. Well, let me tell you … I got myself a lot of action. So, up until this past Friday night, I am known as a “playa” at work. I just laugh … in a way it’s been true, but hey, these guys I chose to be with knew the rules of engagement. It’s great having FTF’s … no commitment, no emotional crap, just strictly sex. However, this pineapple is giving up the field … and happily let me mind you. The love bug has smote me. I don’t know how it happened, but I’m glad it did. I never, EVER, believed in love at first sight, but dammit, it does really happen. Geez, I know I’m gonna hear it from Pasco one day at work.
It’s funny how fate plays into one’s life. I met J Friday night in an AOL chat room, not any chat room, but a chat room I used to frequent 3 years ago. For some unknown reason I decided to go into this room again before I signed off for the night. Let me remind you … my two little boy toys that I was involved with were met through IM’s, and it was strictly cat and mouse play. Down to the point, no fucking around (well yeah, there was fucking around … ), no phone calls the next morning, no mushy huggy kissy crap … although those things are wonderful with the right person … Anyway, I get an IM from J and the rest is history. I won’t get into detail as to what our conversation was, but just to say he was different. I got a liking on the PC but it wasn’t until we talked on the phone after that it started to hit me. I know what you all are thinking … and I am here to say that Internet hook-ups do really work out for the good. I have been witnessed to the beginnings of relationships that ended up in marriage, and I am glad to say that even after 4 years they are still happily married. So, we must have been on the phone almost 4 hours talking. Before hanging up, we made a date to meet each other after I got off of work that night. Let me tell you, it was a LONG night at work for me. J on the other hand, was sleeping. He went fishing about 10 miles off the shore with a friend on his boat, and I guess with that and the age factor he was tired. All kidding aside, J is 5 years younger than I am. I have never seen a problem where age is an issue. I have dated men that were anywhere up to 13 years older than me down to 14 years younger than me. I have never really been with a guy that has made feel as comfortable as J does. I still have walls up, but he makes it so easy to break them down. He is nothing like my past relationships, and I have a real good feeling about him. So, Malia and Jodi, I don’t want to hear it … not yet anyway. I love you guys. My kids know about him and I have told them that whenever they were ready to meet J that will be the time to do so. I was shocked to hear Chris announce that he wanted to meet him. I know he and Sianna still have concerns and are worried about me, but they have told me over and over again that they will be content as long as he makes me happy. J has made me extremely happy these past few days. He’s open and down to earth. He makes me feel special and tells me that I am. I could go on and on about this wonderful man, but perhaps in another entry. I’m seeing J tonight and I need to get some rest. If you are reading this J, hugs and kisses to you … and Baby is coming home with me tonight … hehe.
Well, it’s that time again … football season. Oh yeah, before I forget, Chris was nominated for Homecoming Freshman Escort … voting is next week … good luck babe. I can’t wait for Monday Night Football … I have yet to decide which team to go with this year. All those butts on National TV … who could ask for anything more? Not me.
On that note … enjoy the rest of the week …