
Thursday, April 04, 2002

Your general IQ score is 168.

A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 161 and above is considered to be a "genius".

Take the test here

Tuesday, April 02, 2002

I got a little bit of a scare yesterday at my prenatal checkup. Almost 10 minutes went by as my doctor was trying to find the baby¡¯s heartbeat. I could tell he was a little nervous and I started crying a little. He left the room to get the ultrasound machine and then came back to proceed to look for the baby. Come to find out we couldn¡¯t get a heartbeat because the doctor was looking for it in the wrong place! He commented that for someone who is 17 weeks along, the heartbeat is usually still found below the belly button. My kid was above mine. Practical joker. The baby is doing fine. We saw the heart beating, as it should. This kid already has a set of hair on its head. I also got the results of my triple mark screening. Everything was normal so I won¡¯t be getting an amnio. The real ultrasound is on the 15th. Hopefully I¡¯ll get to see what the sex of the baby is.

I found out yesterday that my stepdad was admitted to the hospital Saturday morning after a neighbor found him passed-out in his garage. He was diagnosed with pneumonia and an infected liver and kidneys that left him in critical condition. He¡¯s now considered in stable condition. We went to see him last night along with my brother and his wife. Although he is in stable condition now, he still can¡¯t really respond. He¡¯s aware of his surroundings and the nurse told me that he follows instructions when given, he can¡¯t talk or really open his eyes yet with all the tubes and everything going in and out of him. His liver has gotten better, but he still has fluids in his lungs and there¡¯s still some infection in the kidneys.

I¡¯m off to my workout so you guys have a great week ¡¦
