
Saturday, August 30, 2003

LMFAO!! Dammit Wry ... I am in tears ... you made me dribble on my shirt too you sucka.

Taking a break here from baking and shit.

Once again, I hurt my leg last night when I went running after work. No real biggy ... I tore a muscle in my left calf ... again ... and I scraped-up my knee in the process. I've been really clumsy lately ... go figure. Because of this, I'm out of work for a week and I'm on pain killers and crutches.

Damn ... if you could only smell my kitchen right now. I just pulled out my shortbread crust for my cream cheese cake from the oven and the aroma is heavenly! A hint of cinnamon and a hint of a few other hush-husg stuff is making me drool. I've been in a creative mood lately and I've been experiencing with some of my recipes and this crust was one of them. This means that all of the guests at the party tomorrow will be my guinea pigs ... hehe.

Oh yeah, and by the way ... mother nature is throwing a curve ball here ... we've got Hurricane Jimena coming our way as we speak. It'll be interesting to see what happens tomorrow at Jonathan's party. It's supposed to hit us Monday. It's already been pretty windy most of these past few days and they say it's supposed to get up a few notches by tonight. So, you know what this means ... Jas, you need to get that pool started.

Anyway, my break is over. Fill you guys in later as to what happened with the hurricane and stuff.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 25, 2003

Busy, busy, busy ...

So how's everyone? As for me, I'm just taking a break from making goody bags and favors for the party on Sunday. I can't believe how fast a year has gone by. In the last year Jonathan has gained 15 pounds and has grown 13 inches. He turns one on the 4th. Everything is just about ready for his party. Unlike his siblings, his party is more intimate. About 35-50 people are expected. RSVPs are due Wednesday ... HINT, HINT to some of you.

Anyway, gotta get back work.

Have a great week!