
Sunday, September 29, 2002

Gonna try and make it short while Sianna is feeding her brother.

Let’s see … where to start …

I can’t believe Jonathan will be a month old this coming Friday. Time is flying by so fast! Pretty soon he’ll be walking around creating all kinds of havoc.

This time around has been a real experience. It all started in the operating room. Everything went well … well, if you call getting poked twice in the back because the spinal didn’t take the first time, then I guess it went well. My niece Annette was the lucky contestant to come into the OR with me … everyone else was either too young or too squeamish about seeing the procedure. What usually takes anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour, for the cesarean, took almost an hour because my doctor had a resident with him and he was talking her through everything. That was fine with me. I was having too much fun talking story with the anesthesiologist and Annette. Then Jonathan came out. The first thing out of everyone’s mouth was “wow, he has red hair”. Red it was, and still is. After weighing him and all that good stuff, they had him under a warmer to do the apgar and some other things. All the while he was peeing all over the place. I think he got all the nurses … good boy. Anyway, as soon as they took him out of me I started to feel quite uncomfortable. It was like I was having a really bad stomach ache. It quickly progressed into the feeling like someone was ripping my insides out. I asked the anesthesiologist if I was supposed to be feeling anything down there. He told me that that was not a good thing. The spinal was wearing off REAL fast. My doctor got upset because he was promised at least an hour and a half before anything wore off. Needless to say Annette had to leave the room because they were going to proceed to put me under with a general anesthesia. The next thing I knew I woke up in the recovery room.

I was discharged with Jonathan 4 days later. By the fifth day he dropped down to 7 lbs 1oz. We had a lactation nurse drop by who weighed him and told me she was concerned because although babies do lose a small amount of weight after birth, they usually do not lose a pound and two ounces like he did. My milk hadn’t come in yet because of the trauma my body experienced during the operation. Jonathan almost had to be admitted that night and was supposed to have stayed there until he gained all the weight back. Luckily he didn’t have to and against my feelings about supplementing with formula her supervisor wanted me to do just that. It’s now three weeks later and he has filled-out rather nicely. As of last week Monday, he weighed 8 lbs 11 oz. I’m guessing he now weighs close to 9 and a half pounds.

More later … he’s cranky and Sianna is stressed. Have a great week!