
Saturday, May 19, 2001

Hawaiian Word of the Day:

Aloha Kakahiaka – Good Morning

Aloha Ahiahi – Good Evening

E Komo Mai – Welcome


Aloha Kakou!

It’s Hollywood frenzy as we speak, here in Hawaii, as we get ready for the premiere of the new movie
Pearl Harbor”. A private showing for 2000 specially invited guests will take place aboard the USS John C. Stennis this Monday. It’s gonna be a bitch to be in the area. I’ll be at the gym that overlooks the harbor … maybe I’ll be lucky and get to see some action.

Today was the first day back to work since I took off my stitches yesterday. My big toe itched all freakin day. I was miserable. Not only did my toe itch, I was congested, and I was having sinus headaches. I like working the weekends. Everyone on the schedule is usually there. Two of some of my favorite people are there. Pasco and Queen. Pasco hasn’t been fun lately. Up until a few weeks ago, Pasco was practicing celibacy … two years worth. She has a new boyfriend and I couldn’t be happier for her. She hasn’t been fun because she’s in love and she walks around all day like she’s high on something … yeah, high on dick … hehe. You can pick on her and tease her, and she could care less. She used to be feisty. It’s been a few weeks, and she’s slowly coming back to her senses. We have a lot in common. She’s half-Korean, as I am. Her other half consists of Chinese, Mexican, some sort of Caucasian (I don’t see it … I think she’s Caucasian by injection), alien, and some other stuff. Sometimes she thinks her jokes are funny. We laugh because we think her thinking her jokes are funny is what’s actually funny … hehe. Sorry Pasco, I couldn’t resist. Queen on the other hand, cracks me the hell up. I have yet to see anyone top her comebacks. That’s why she’s the Queen. Some have tried, only one has come close. He’s no longer working with us, and it was pure entertainment to watch them go at it every week. Queen has also been a bad influence to some. Those who were quiet, like Rich for instance, are now potty mouths like her. It used to be funny, but he’s gotten out of hand. Of course we blame her. I work with a bunch of characters … it makes the day go by faster.

Blind dates. I hate them. I’m going on one as soon as I finish this blog. The last one I was on was actually a blind/double date. A good friend of mine wanted to set me up right away when I told her I left my husband. For two months she nagged me until I finally said yes. The only condition was that she and her boyfriend had to join us as well. We all went out to dinner. The first 45 minutes or so was nice. We had a few drinks, some appetizers, and nice conversation. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, they start fighting. I was pissed. I got up and announced that I was leaving. My date followed me out the door. He walked me to my car, we talked for a bit, and we swapped phone numbers. We still keep in touch, but I’m not interested. I like this other guy. I’ve been told that he likes me a lot. I met him (I’ll refer to him as golfer dude) during a time I had broken up with my husband for 4 months … we weren’t married yet. We have mutual friends, and they introduced us. I felt an attraction for him then, but silly me got back with the ass about a month later. After I got married, I kinda lost touch with the group. It wasn’t until after I left the ass in January that I started to hang out with the same people again. About three days later I saw golfer dude. We all pretty much started hanging-out at this local bar just about every day of the week. Over the weeks we got to be pretty close. I started to hear things from other people that he liked me as well. The only problem to him was that I am still legally married. All of a sudden, when I would get to the bar, people would come up to me and ask where golfer dude was that night … like I knew half of the time. Other people would introduce me to new people as golfer dude’s girlfriend … that was a shock to me, why is it I’m always the last to know? And why is it I hear it from other people how much he likes me? I finally wrote him a letter saying how much I liked him, and that if he liked me I wanted to hear it from him … not from a bunch of other people. It’s been about a month since I sent the mail and I have yet to get a response from him. Men.

I will be attempting to play golf this week with some of my friends that are in town for the next two weeks. I don’t know how to play. They said it would be ok, they are gonna teach me (and knowing them, laugh in the process) … good luck. We’ll see though. It will all depend on the weather and how my sinus infection progresses.

Lastly, my son is getting an award. I am so proud of him! He’s being recognized by the PTSA Board. In order to get an award; you had to be nominated by either a Math or English Teacher. The nominees then go to the Executive Board of the PTSA who make the final decision. The awards presentation will be on June 5th at 7pm.

Well, I’m off to get ready for my blind date … uhhhggg … wish me luck.


Friday, May 18, 2001

Hawaiian Words of the Day:

Aloha. 1. Love, affection, compassion, mercy, sympathy, pity, kindness, sentiment, grace, charity; greeting, salutation, regards; sweetheart, lover, loved one; beloved, loving, kind, compassionate, charitable, lovable; to love, be fond of; to show kindness, mercy, pity, charity, affection; to venerate; to remember with affection; to greet, to hail. Greetings! Hello! Good-bye! Farewell! Alas!

Mahalo. 1. Thanks, gratitude; to thank.

Aloha Kakou!

Welcome back to my blog. I just want to thank all the people that have responded to my first blog for their kind words and support for my situation. Of course, there was a few of you that HAD to make a comment about my writing ... you bitches ... you know who you are.

The day started off rather well because I didn't have to go into work. I was "on call" meaning that I had to call in by 8am to see if anyone called in sick. No one did, so I had the day off. A good thing because I didn't have to cancel any of my plans that I made weeks ago. First, I took the kids to school. I usually hit the gym right after, but because of this sinus infection I have I didn't go today.

Second thing on my agenda was my doctor's appointment. I had stitches removed today. Yes, stitches. As most of you know, I moved into my new place two weeks ago. Well, last week Wednesday I opened my screen door and the bottom of the door scrapped across my right big toe. I'm a HUGE fan of things that are gory. I have never in my life felt grossed-out by blood, guts, or anything of that nature. For some reason last week, I almost passed-out by the sight of my toe. It was a nice inch of a cut. Yeah, there was a lot of blood ... so what. It wasn't until I got to the bathroom to clean the wound that I discovered the depth of my injury. While I was cleaning the cut, I discovered what appeared to be bone. Not a good thing to see. Next thing I knew I heard my friend screaming ... lol ... what a wuss. I don't scream (unless there is good reason too ). Anyway, she took me to the ER to get me all fixed. I ended up with stitches, and today they came off.

Since I was going to the hospital today, I made an appointment to see my OB/GYN. Long story short, I had surgery last September for endometriosis and ended up going on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that started in January. Today I saw my OB for a post therapy checkup. My OB (who I will refer to as Dr. T) is a hoot. He has been my Doc now for the last 16 years. He likes to tell jokes. He likes to tell CERTAIN jokes at the wrong time ... like when I'm in stirrups. He was kinda upset at me because the therapy I was on was supposed to be for 6 months. I only did it for 3 months. I was on Lupron ... I would go in once a month to get a shot of Lupron Depot to the hip which induces my body to go through a temporary state of menopause. I took it upon myself to stop treatment because the hot flashes and mood swings were a bitch! To counteract the side effects, I was on synthetic hormones ... Agystin and Premarin ... or, medical mumbo jumbo for progesterone and estrogen (rather name brands). Within days of taking these hormones, I would suffer sharp pains in my chest. I called the advice nurse and she told me to stop taking the pills and see what happens. Voila, within a few days, the pains were gone. The following month when I went in for my next shot, within days the chest pains came back. Coincidently I was also back on the hormones. By the third shot I was told that chest pains were a possible side effect to the Lupron and NOT the hormones! Needless to say I was pissed. I suffered through all the menopause crap without the help of the hormones when it was the Lupron all this time. I was originally supposed to do the treatment before they suggested the surgery back in September, but I bitched and moaned a good arguement about how I didn't want synthetics in my body. As a compromise, they suggested that I do it for 3 months, I opted for the surgery ... the rest is history. Bottom line, I did the three months and I'm pain free. The pains were so bad it felt like someone was stabbing me in my uterus. The worst pains were during sex. I love sex. Pain is NOT good during sex, well, at least not THAT kind of pain ... hehe. It got to the point where in order to have sex, I had to drug myself up with pain killers an hour before. That is another story in itself. I have to admit, the one thing I will miss about the soon-to-be ex husband is the sex. Actually, there were some great qualities about him ... too bad his addiction to alcohol and drugs fucked things up for us.

Ok, back to the subject at hand. The Lupron sends a signal to the brain to stop menstration. Having your period is what actually "feeds" the abnormal endometrial tissue. It kinda hardens the tissue so when it flares, usually when you ovulate and during your period, it becomes painful. Worst-case scenario ever recorded was where they found endometrial tissue in patient's lungs and intestines. In my case, it was blocking my left fallopian tube and it was all over my uterus. If statistics are correct, I should be virtually pain free for at least the next 3 years. No more pain during sex ... now if only I could find someone to have sex with. I'm in no rush. Overall, my ultra sound looked great. The tissues have all shrunk, if not totally disappeared all together. The big reason for all of this was to try to conceive a child. It took a lot of convincing on my husband's part to get me to have another child. I was told after I had my daughter that I couldn't have anymore children. While I was dating my husband, over the course of 14 months I suffered through 3 miscarriages. I really wanted another one. I thank God I did NOT have children with this man. I've now made the decision not to have anymore. Call it being spoiled, but I LOVE my freedom. It kinda makes me sad because I did all of this to become fertile again only to turn around and consider getting my tubes tied. Well, Dr. T told me to think about it and I told him I would. I see him again in a month. I should have my final decision by then.

I went to see my mom after that. It was her birthday this past Wednesday. My mom passed away on December 7, 1991. Her aneurysm burst. She was only 47. I went to put flowers on her grave, and had a nice long talk with her. I like visiting her because that's the only time I can say what I need to say without her interruption. My mother and I had a rough relationship. I don't know what it was exactly, for some reason she never really trusted me ... go figure. The last 11 months of her life was the closest we've ever been. It's was like she knew inside she was going to leave. My mom was a very stubborn woman, set in her ways. She was a very strong woman. Her big problem with me was that she always had to be right. Even when she was wrong, and she knew she was wrong, she was right. I could never win an arguement with her. Anyway, one night about a month before she passed away, we had a long talk about our relationship. That night was the first night she ever apologized for everything she did to me. That night was the first night she ever told me how proud she was of me. All of my accomplishment throughout my school years went unnoticed. She wasn't all that supportive when I went through my first divorce. My mother told me that night that she wanted to show me how much she was proud of me when I was growing up but for whatever reason could not bring herself to it. I know that sounds messed up, but what can I say? What matters is that I finally heard those words that night that I needed to hear back then. I love my mom, and I miss her dearly.

After I left the cemetary, my last stop was to the home of a good friend that recently passed away. I've known this friend, his name was David, ever since the third grade. He was two years older than me and I knew him because I had his younger brother in my homeroom. Anyway, his mother called me the ohter day to let me know that David left some things for me to have. Stuff like pictures, gifts I gave him, etc. David and I dated for about a year or so back in highschool. We slowly started to lose touch after he enlisted in the Air Force. If anything, we kept in touch via mail. David married a bitch. For some reason she hated me. I don't know why, I'm the loveable type. I was hurt when I did not get invited to the wedding. I haven't heard from David in the last 5 years or so but I still kept in touch with his parents. His parents used to write and tell me that he was unhappy with her. In fact, before he passed away, he was going to file for a divorce. For some fucked up reason she had it in her head that he was leaving her for me. That was news to me. I guess that was why she didn't want me at the funeral. I would have made a big stink about it, but out of respect for David I did not want to cause a scene. His mother had a little get together at her home and she had me over then. Guess who showed up unannounced? You got it ... the bitch. She started to make a scene and David's mom ended up pulling us both into the kitchen. Bottom line, the bitch didn't like what she was hearing and announced she was going back to the mainland in a couple of days and that they wouldn't hear from her again ... blah, blah, blah. Good riddance.

I had a full day, and I m now ready to party this weekend. The kids are leaving any minute and won't be home until Sunday night. I got the whole place to myself. Life is good.

Until next time, be good to each other ...


Thursday, May 17, 2001

Aloha, and welcome to my first Blog!

First of all, I would like to thank my good friend Logi, for all her hard work in helping me create my Blog site. Thanks Hun ...

Now, for the good stuff.

I've been wanting to do something like this for awhile now, but with all the crap going on in my life the past 6 months I haven't really had the time to do so. Now that I am all moved in to my new place, I figured this was a good time to start.

Before I start, I would like to make clear that I am here doing this mainly as a source to either vent my frustrations, brag about my two children, or just to share my everyday goings with all you readers. My life is an open book as I have nothing to hide. I tell it like it is (or how I see it), I can and will be blunt, and I expect my friends to be the same way. The last thing on my mind is worrying about my spelling or grammar. I could care less ... I welcome any and all comments you may have ... as long as it is NOT about my English ... lol.

Ok. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Nancy. I have lived in Hawaii all of my life. I am the mother of two wonderful children. Christopher, who is 14, will be entering his Freshman year this coming July. He is an honor student, a drummer in Band, and he just won the election for Freshman Class Vice President.
Sianna, who is 10, will be in the 5th grade this August. She's also a drummer, and she is in the Gifted and Talented program in her school for Mathematics. Yes, I am proud of my kids.

Currently, I am still legally married to an ass. My second marriage. This past April 14th made 1 year that we are LEGALLY married. We were together for a total of 3 years. Our Legal Seperation date was January 22 of this year which made the two of us married for 9 months. Oh well, live and learn I say. At least I left knowing I did my best to save this marriage. As a good friend keeps telling me how surprised she was that I lasted this long with him. I guess I have mellowed with age. 10 years ago I would have left his ass the first time he screwed up. Without going into too much detail, those of you who know me personally know the details, my husband is an alcoholic and turns out he hits women. Now, the bitch in this story is his occupation. He works for the US Army. Needless to say, he is being discharged. Yep, they're kicking his ass out ...he's being chaptered out. I hate dealing with them. His chain of command are a bunch of dicks. I take that back ... when my husband was arrested back in January, there were 3 people who was very helpful to me. I got overwhelming support up until the 1st Sgt. got transferred to Headquarters ... support went to nilch from there.
The next two people I had to deal with, we'll just call them Sgt. J and Capt. M, treated me like I was the criminal ... I'd like to look the two in the eye and tell them Fuck You.

Well, today's venting session came about when I found out my husband has been gallivanting off of base. You see, I was told after the State of Hawaii released my husband from prison after serving just 20 days for his second offense of Abuse of a Household Member, that he was going to be confined to the Base until he is discharged from the Army and is escorted to the airport. I currently have a 3-year Restraining Order against the bastard that hit me and threatened my son. Now I hear he's been going off of Base, with no escort, going about free as he likes. It's ok though ... as a precaution, I packed up the kids and moved. I also got rid of all the junk he's ever given me, and got rid of all the stuff I owned that he ruined. Basically, I got new furniture, a new home, and I'm in the process of getting another car. In a way I should thank my husband ... but I won't ... hehe. Oh yeah, it's going on the second week that my lawyer is trying to serve the ass divorce papers, and Sgt J isn't returning my calls ... big surprise there ... pfff.

It's been a rough past 6 months for me. I really need a vacation, and I am way overdue. The last time I've been to the mainland was back in June of 1998 when I went to New York to visit my friends Logi, Ghost, and Nightskye. So, as a treat, I am planning a trip for this late August/early September. I'll be heading out to New York for sure, but there is a few pit stops I want to make along the way. One of them is Atlanta GA for a party, another is Kentucky, and the third is Missouri. Georgia will probably be a no go. The other two I would like to visit, I have several people I want to see. In either case, no matter where I go, I'm taking at least two weeks off from work.

Well my friends ... this hapa chick is off to bed ... mahalo for listening ...
