
Saturday, February 23, 2002

I wanted to welcome Rain and Cerebral Flatulence to my site ... go check them out by clicking onto their links to the left of this page.

Who's Your Inner Buffy Bad-Girl? Find out @ She's Crafty

Friday, February 22, 2002

I saw the grossest thing, or at least one of the grossest, on TV tonight. The Glutton Bowl. I had just come home from work already feeling sick only to watch something that made me feel even worse. Why do people do these things? I mean, c’mon … consuming 8lbs of mayo … 7 sticks of butter … 41 pieces of cow brains – that was how many the overall winner ate. I thought I was gonna lose it at several points of the show. The things people do for 15 minutes of fame.

Hey Chynakatt … I like your new layout. I miss that cursor thingy you had awhile back though.

For some reason I am having a hard time falling asleep tonight. I guess I have a lot on my mind and some major decisions to make within the next several weeks. I don’t like being stressed, especially not right now.

Oh well … I guess I’m going back to watching some movies … maybe they’ll be too boring and I’ll eventually fall asleep. Wish me luck!



Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Subject: Does it make you feel old too?

Just in case you weren't feeling too old today, this will certainly change things. Each year the
staff at Beloit College in Wisconsin puts together a list to try to give the faculty a sense of the
mindset of this year's incoming freshmen.

Here's this year's list:

The people who are starting college this fall across the nation
were born in 1983.
They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up.
Their lifetime has always included AIDS.
Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic. !
The CD was introduced the year they were born.
They have always had an answering machine.
They have always had cable.
They cannot fathom not having a remote control.
Jay Leno has always been on the Tonight Show.
Popcorn has always been cooked in the microwave.
They never took a swim and thought about Jaws.
They can't imagine what hard contact lenses are.
They don't know who Mork was or where he was from.
They never heard: "Where's the Beef?", "I'd walk a mile for a
Camel", or "de plane Boss, de plane".
They do not care who shot J. R. and have no idea who J. R. even is.
Michael Jackson has always been white. <~LMAO
McDonald's never came in Styrofoam containers.
They don't have a clue how to use a typewriter.

Emotionally retarded … hehe … that one still cracks me up.

WryGuy – I did have MSN Messenger at one time and I need to redownload it again anyway for Chris.
Give me your user name and we’ll talk. How’s Alicia doing by the way?

I am so psyched to hear that that bastard of a human being was found guilty of manslaughter this week.
I wrote about this case last year … the one about the police officer who was on the verge of retiring, got all ripped one evening and ran a red light onto another vehicle killing the 19 year old female who was inside.
This punk refused to take the Breathalyzer test, which would have proved he was intoxicated. As the trial was going on, he kept insisting that she was the one who ran the light and hit him … and dumbass knew there were witnesses. He then had the nerve to file a lawsuit stating that her family should be responsible for the damages to his car … what an ass! The defense attorney then had her body tested for street drugs. How low can one go? If you’re interested in reading the article, go here.

I got a busy day today, so I’m out of here …


Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Once again, another successful party has come and went. Once again Chris and Sianna scored big time in the money/gift department. I did make too much food though … oh well … makes for good leftovers!

I do have to apologize to Ghost on behalf of my friends. They got a piece of my mind over the weekend. For one, they came to me to bitch about something I had no control over. When I asked them if they wrote to Ghost about their opinions, all 4 said no. Instead, and I’m not trying to make an excuse for what my part is in this, taking how I was feeling at the time I heard the messages and I immediately went online and said what I said. For one, what was said to me was not meant for everyone to read, and yet I advertised it on my site … for this I apologize for.

I am a bit confused though …

For someone who speaks his mind and makes no apologies for … even welcomes comments or even a debate
on a topic … you sure got defensive yourself Ghost. I totally agree with you when you say to go elsewhere
if you don’t like what you see. This year will make 5 years that I will know Ghost and I have always
respected his opinions … I may not agree with some of them, but all in all, I respect him because he tells it
like it is. What I don’t like is when he makes idiotic comments like it’s a punishment if he ends up with a fat
chick for the rest of his life. I also don’t agree with him when he says fat people are lazy and are fat because they
don’t exercise. At my thinnest, I was still considered a little overweight. But you know what? I was benching
170 lbs., I was running at least 10 miles a day along with doing at least 45 minutes of aerobics 6 times a week.
I was still considered overweight because I was not wearing a size 4 (I was a size 6 at the time). Sure, if you’re
lazy and don’t exercise, you’ll get fat. A lot of it has to do with genetics as well. All my life I had to work extra
harder to reach my goals when it came to weight management. I was diagnosed with inactive thyroids at an
early age. With most of the medical problems I had, especially in the last 10 years, I couldn’t take my thyroid
medications because of the other things I had to take. It has taken me a long time to feel happy about myself
in my now size 9. My exercise routine has decreased, only because I’m pregnant. But as soon as my doctor
lets me, I will step it up a bit. As I see it, if someone doesn’t want to be with me because society thinks I’m fat,
then it’s THEIR loss.

On a much lighter note … I’ve already started to plan our Spring Break vacation. As I mentioned before, we decided
to go to the island of Kaua’i. We’ll be staying at the Radisson Kaua’i Beach Resort. So far, we’re going to go
up to Waimea Canyon Lookout … it’s been called the Grand Canyon of the Pacific as well as the Little Grand Canyon.
I’m still debating if we’ll take the Fern Grotto boat tour. The tour takes you to the wettest spot on the Earth. On
the boat ride they make everyone get up and do the hula … that always cracks me up to watch the tourist. Of course
we’ll have to take in a Luau. There are several other things I want the kids to experience. Neither of them has been to
this island. The last time John and I have been there was back in ’92 right after Hurricane Iniki. This will probably be
the last trip I make in a long time.

It’s that time again … you got it … naptime …

Enjoy the rest of the week!
