
Wednesday, August 01, 2001

Hawaiian Names of the Day:

Kanike – Janice

Kenike – Dennis

Lolina – Lori

Mikale – Michael

Pakelekia – Patricia

Palaina – Brian

Up until this past Monday I was on percocet for some pain I was having in my uterus. It’s been two days that I have been on it and I feel soooooo much better. I can think a whole lot clearer and I don’t feel so sluggish anymore. While I was on it however, I was feeling good. Overall, I prefer not to have to be on it. So, now I’m back catching up on my entries.

It’s amazing how one word can bring out the loony tunes. A couple of days ago I updated my AOL profile and in the ‘hobbies’ category I mentioned the word ‘sex’. Jeez Louise, it was like a full moon was out and the majority of the horny men in Hawaii was sending me instant messages all night that first night I had it in there. When I sign on, I get the usual IM’s … ya know, from friends and a few (like one or two) IM’s from people I don’t know. Not the past couple of nights. You mention the word ‘sex’ and they all IM you asking they typical questions; age, sex, location, what I look like, what positions I like, blah blah blah. Well, one guy in particular was pretty sure of himself. He sent me a picture of his penis … that by the way dubbed the subject of the e-mail “the gift”. He claimed his penis was 8”x3”, so I said send it. Let me tell ya, it didn’t look no 8”x3”. He kept saying it was the width of his wrist. No way … just by looking at my wrist his penis did NOT look like the width of anyone’s wrist. I guess he got all offended and shit accusing me of not believing him. So I kept on saying that I did believe him and it was the picture that didn’t look like it (hah). Then he sends me a picture of what he looked like. He’s a hottie … if that’s really him in it. So, as the conversation progressed, we started to talk about endurance and stuff of that nature. Then he asked me to come over to his place or vice versa. Of all night that I could have gotten lucky, I was on the freakin percocet and I already had two glasses of wine. So I asked him for a raincheck and he’s been bugging me ever since. Besides, there’s someone else that I’m interested in. More on that at a later time.

I swear to God the vibes at work now days are fucked up. This past Monday night for instance … I wasn’t even supposed to be there but I switched so I could have tonight off to watch my son perform. Anyway, several weeks ago a bulletin came out saying how we can no longer request days off and that if we needed time off we were to take it upon ourselves to find a replacement after the schedule was out. How STUPID is that? It’s bound to cause all kinds of shit. Well, shit is what happened Monday night at work. It started off with the night manager coming in to work and asking me what I was doing there at work. So I told him how it was cool with the other manager and I was able to switch with the other bartender. Needless to say he looked rather upset. About an hour later one of the waitresses came to work and told this same manager that she was going to switch one of her nights with someone who also agreed. She just needed him to switch it on the schedule. Apparently words were said and he went off on everyone that was in the kitchen. It’s not our fault that management said we couldn’t request off anymore. Dumbasses. If that’s not all, about another hour later the same manager got into it with one of the cooks on the line. The general manager was also there witnessing all of this. Our GM is an ass … no one likes him there. I have no respect for him. He’s a hypocrite. He got on me one say for swearing … I said ‘fuck’ and he didn’t like that. He then proceeded to discipline me in front of everyone. Needless to say I was PISSED! It’s ok for him to swear but we can’t … how fucked up is that? Then, I hear other people say a lot more profanity than I’ve ever done and he says nothing to them. In fact, he’s made several comments to some of my co-workers that would constitute sexual harassment, and of course they’re too fucking afraid to take it to the owner. I just shake my head in disbelief. Then again, the owner, from what I’ve heard is another story in itself.

Today is the last day of Chris’s “Hell’s Week” at band practice. Poor thing, he comes home from practices all tired and usually goes straight to bed. He doesn’t even have the strength to eat dinner most nights. Since it is the last day of “Hell’s Week”, the tradition is to do the whole show in front of family and friends at the highschool stadium. This starts at 5pm today. Sianna and I caught a glimpse of the first half of the show yesterday. We went an hour early before practice ended to watch. Not bad … it could have been a whole lot better. I remember when I had “Hell’s Week” some 20 years ago. We were awesome at the end of camp. I used to be a flag girl during marching season, and I was a bit disappointed at what I saw yesterday. Some of the girls still don’t know how to march, and others were uncoordinated. The band was getting yelled at the whole time Sianna and I was there. I liked the percussion section … I guess I was a bit prejudiced because Chris was in there. They were on it. Last year the percussion section had a small group. This year they have 20 people. I like to see a big percussion sections. I can’t wait to watch the whole show tonight.

I’m outta here … got shit to do before the show … until later,
