
Saturday, April 27, 2002

Interesting week …

Sianna was at camp … she left Wednesday and came back Friday afternoon. She’s such the mother hen. One of the first things she asked was how the baby was doing. I picked her up and took her for some ice cream. We got home and she was out for the rest of the evening.

Chris decided not to run for any office for his Sophomore year … instead he opted to be chairman for a couple of activities. He was offered to be Student Government representative and was recommended by several teachers and peers. He’s thinking about it. He plans on running for class president his Senior year just so he can give the welcome speech at his graduation.

I had an interesting business offer this past week and I’m seriously considering it. The timing of all of this could have been planned better … with the baby and all … but compromises can be made to satisfy everyone involved. I’ll keep you guys posted.

I had my prenatal visit yesterday and all is well. I gained 3 ½lbs. in the last month … a total of 12 1/2lbs to date. Next visit is the dreaded glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes. The syrup they give you to drink is sweeter than drinking straight juice syrup, and it leaves a nasty taste in your mouth. Then you have to wait an hour before they can draw blood from you. Today was the first day you could actually see the baby’s kicks on my tummy. I think he enjoys teasing his siblings, or John for that matter. Every time the baby kicked, I would call them over to feel it. As soon as they would put their hands on me, he would stop until they left the room. I keep cracking up. I tell them that the baby is laughing at them and they get pissy. The baby does recognize their voices though. He would be quiet most of the day then as soon as one of them come home, he starts kicking up a storm. I can’t wait till he gets here.

Stepdad is out of the hospital and is now in rehab. He’s doing really well. We’re going to go and visit him tomorrow.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!