
Friday, February 08, 2002

Have a great trip Ghost … you’re gonna love England. In my lifetime, I have been to England three times; the last time was in 1985 for a family reunion. Hey … maybe I can set you up with my cousin Cecilia. There’s talk about a family reunion there in 2005. I won’t be able to go if it’s in England … that’s the year Chris graduates from high school. Maybe I can persuade them to come here.

I just got back from my prenatal visit and all is well. No blood was taken today, thank god, but I did have to give a urine sample to test for glucose and proteins in it. The glucose was normal and the proteins were negative. At my next visit on March 4, I will get to choose the surgery date for the c-section with my doctor. We’re going to have the baby on either August 28 or September 4 since he only does surgeries on Wednesdays. I’m hoping to have it done on the earlier date. We discussed the amnio today and I told her that I was leaning towards it but will discuss it with the doctor when I see him. Other than that, the visit today was pretty good.

It’s time for that afternoon nap

Until later …


Thursday, February 07, 2002

Well, it’s done … Sianna now knows. It wasn’t all that bad either. I think she’s in denial or something. Either case, there were no tantrums flying or crying or anything. She was a little upset that she was the last to find out. She’s happy because she finally gets to boss someone around. I’m happy because I have one less thing to shop for. My sis in law is giving me her less than a year old crib cause my nephew can now climb out of it.

I had the ultrasound today … right on the ball. I even got to have a picture of it. My first question was how many heartbeats. The nurse laughed and said only one. What a relief. This kid is taking after Sianna already. All the time it was being monitored, it was moving around like crazy. I can see it now … some 3 months down the road … no sleep once again. If you click here, you can see how I am progressing.

I ended up in the emergency room last night. They say it was some stomach virus, possibly food poisoning. Ugh. I was in so much pain at work that I had to leave early. They gave me tonight and tomorrow off as well. I go in tomorrow for a follow-up as well as my first prenatal check-up.

Hey Logi, I feel for you. I am real happy that you’re up to your happy-go-lucky self once again. I remember when I had Chris. I stayed home with him for two years. I did however go on jury duty when he was 4 months old, and let me tell you, it felt extremely good to be out of the house. Currently I work nights, but it looks like I’ll be going back to some day shifts when I get off of maternity leave. At John’s job, they have a 24-hour daycare, which is a good thing. He works the late shift, 3pm-11pm, and the baby will probably go with him to work for a couple of nights until I get my full strength back. We still have to discuss this.

So far, Chris wants it to be a boy while Sianna and John wants a girl. I’m leaning towards a girl as well. They’re so much cuter to dress up. Either case, as long as it is healthy and thriving … and sleeps through the night by the time it’s 2 months old like it’s other two siblings. One can wish … right?

I’m off to take my afternoon nap, have a great weekend …


Monday, February 04, 2002

Thanks for all the well wishes … you guys were so sweet!

Hope everyone had a terrific weekend. Part of my weekend was spent going through packed boxes of old textbooks. I finally found my Trigonometry and my second year Psychology books and I have already started reading to the baby. It is never too early to read to them. I even got Chris talking to my stomach.

I’m really anxious about telling the news to Sianna. I know for a fact she is not going to take it well. Eventually she’ll get used to it and accept it, but until then it’s gonna be heck. I guess because she’s been the baby all these years, she might feel threatened, for one. Wait until you have your second and third kid WryGuy … the real fun doesn’t start until then … lol.

So, I’m in my 10th week now and nothing fits anymore. John and I went out to dinner last night to Chili’s and I was forced to wear maternity pants that were falling off every 10 steps I took. John thought it was funny as shit … I showed him funny. All weekend I was craving nachos and I finally got my nachos last night. That was one of the best meals I’ve had yet (since being pregnant) … funny, I never really liked Chili’s food either.

Well, I’m off to take a nap before I pick up Sianna from school. Have a great week …


Sunday, February 03, 2002


My little boy turns 15 today. He’s getting ready to go out with some of his friends as we speak. I’m taking him out for sushi later tonight.

Like his sister, Chris was always a happy and friendly baby. When he started school, he never had a problem making friends. Growing up, he was always around females. The friends I hung around all had daughters making him the only boy. I think that’s why he gets along so well with girls. In fact, his best friends are girls. For as long as I can remember, they all have been calling him for advice. He doesn’t mind … as long as they stop telling him that they’ve started their period … lol. I raised him well … he’s gonna make a wonderful husband one day.

Chris has never really been the athletic type. He is more the intellectual. He does have a black belt in Kempo and is on the wrestling team, but that is the extent of his athletic interests. He speaks Spanish and Korean fluently, and will add Japanese to that list later this year. He’s my buddy … we share just about everything with each other. There are times, however, that he can get on my nerves. We know how to push each other’s buttons, and sometimes we try to see who can irritate the other the most. His friends think I’m the coolest mom … only because they say I let him get away with anything. I don’t let him get away with everything. It all comes down to trust. He doesn’t really have a curfew, as long as I know where he is and as long as I know and have met his friends and their parents. Once he starts giving me reasons NOT to trust him, then that will be when I get down on him.

As we speak, he’s getting on my nerves so I will end here.

I love ya, ya butthead ...
