
Friday, March 08, 2002

The past 30 hours have been a nightmare for me. I woke up yesterday to some minor cramping … didn’t really think anything of them. Throughout the day I had some tightening around my tummy … no biggie, I knew it’s the uterus growing. I go to work and within half an hour of starting I get this uncomfortable feeling in the lower region. I go to the bathroom to find that I’m bleeding … about a teaspoon worth. Along with the bleeding came the cramps and some mild contractions. They take me off the floor to get me to the emergency room. Since there were no Obstetricians on call, they sent a regular doctor to check me out. The only thing he did for me was check my cervix and order urine and blood samples to be taken from me. My worse fear, an incompetent cervix and/or miscarriage was ruled out … I was surprised he knew what THAT was. He was nice and all, but he didn’t even order an ultrasound nor did he listen for the baby’s heartbeat. I was told that everything was ok and to make a follow up visit with my OB the next day. So, I saw my OB today and we heard a healthy heartbeat … whew! The down note is no sex (or self-gratification) until I get an ok at my next visit in 4 WEEKS! It’s going to be a long ass month. I’m supposed to be in bed right now getting rest. Screw that … I rested enough today.

I gained two pounds since Tuesday … crap ass!

Baby is moving so I’m going to go and sit back to relish this moment. Have a great weekend … and have a fantastic trip Ghost!



Wednesday, March 06, 2002

Well … Carmen sucked … very …

We left during the beginning of the third act where Carmen is getting bored with Don Jose and his whining about missing home. Chris kept dozing off in the second act and it was just as hard for me to stay awake so we decided to leave after the second intermission. Besides, he had a ton of homework and I wasn’t feeling so great.

I got some stuff accomplished today. I finally got my divorce rolling again. If the jackass doesn’t fut around and sign the papers, I will be a single woman once again 3-4 weeks after he signs … woohoo!

Man, I wish I were there to see Ghost get sucker-punched. Not to say that that was a good thing … I just miss a good ole bar fight and I would have been all over that guy… ahh, memories. You should have smacked the guy Logi … hehe.

Sianna says goodnight and I guess I’ll do the same. Chris is eating ice cream and John is getting ready to do some night diving. Hope you guys are having a good week thus far …


Tuesday, March 05, 2002

The amnio is put on the side for the time being …

After much discussion with my doctor yesterday, he has recommended that I undergo a triple mark screening in place of the amnio. I go in on the 19th of this month to have it done. As far as I know, they’ll be taking a urine sample, then take my weight … which by the way, I have gained a whopping pound since my last appointment almost 5 weeks ago … then they send me to the lab for extensive blood tests. I have agreed to an amnio ONLY if the results shows a higher than normal count. Other than that, all is well. I got to hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time, which got me excited. I’m also back on a low impact aerobic routine.

It now looks like the baby will be born on September 4. My doctor is booked on August 28 which means I’ll have to carry the baby another week … ugh. Who knows, I might just go into labor on my own and just have the baby early as planned.

Tonight I take Chris to see the opera ’Carmen’. I’ve been looking forward to this since I bought the tickets 2 months ago. We’re planning on going out to an early dinner first … that’s the original plan … we’ll see thought … I might be taking as much of a nap as I can before we go.

My son is quite the stud. He had his Freshman Banquet this past Saturday. He went to this event with a long time friend of his. Although she already has a boyfriend, she wanted to go with my son to at least one event before they graduated. He got her long stem roses and she got him a maile lei with kukui nut. They did the portrait thing, as did all the couples that went. I find out later that night that he also took two other portraits with two other girls that went solo. All of his life he has been surrounded by females. His best of friends are females. My brother made a comment, which I find kind of true, at their birthday party last month. All of the parties in the past there were a majority of girls there. This was the first year that there were actually about the same amount of guys as there were girls which led to the comment my brother made. He mentioned that Chris has a lot of guy friends now because the guys know where all the girls are at … lol.

Well, I am off to buy my digital video camcorder. I found one that also takes still digital photos that can be uploaded directly to the computer. Maybe now I can finally get some pictures up on my site for all to see.

Until later …
